What we do
The Finnish Association for Substance Abuse Prevention EHYT works throughout Finland to promote well-being and healthy lifestyles. We work with people of all ages, from children and young people to working age people and the elderly. In addition to alcohol, tobacco, and drug abuse prevention, our remit also encompasses gaming and gambling. EHYT over 130 member associations.

EHYT operates throughout the country
Our regional coordinators support municipalities, professionals in different fields, NGOs, and volunteers in substance abuse prevention throughout the country.
We co-operate with different operators, provide training and advice, and impact policies and developments on the local level. Our offices are located in Helsinki, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Lahti, Oulu, Seinäjoki, Tampere and Turku
Our meeting places are open to all
Everyone is welcome at our substance-free Elokolo community centres. Elokolo centres are places for catching up on everyday routines as well as for sharing joys and worries.
The best advice sometimes comes as peer support from the per-son sitting next to you. Elokolo’s employees and volunteers provide social support and visitors can access the internet free of charge.
At Elokolo centres, you can read newspapers, eat porridge for breakfast, and enjoy a cup of coffee. You can find Elokolo community centres and other meeting places around Finland
Talking about substances in the workplace
The use of alcohol and other drugs may have an impact on safety, work ability, and well-being, and a corresponding decrease in an organization’s productivity. By introducing a substance abuse prevention programme to the workplace, the harmful effects of alcohol and other drugs can be pre-vented efficiently.
We help work communities prevent, identify, confront, and resolve substance abuse problems. We provide companies with tools and training and help them create and implement substance abuse prevention programmes.
Support for substance abuse control
We provide substance abuse guidance 24/7/365. Substance abuse prevention professionals answer calls
on the number +358 800 900 45. The service is confidential and free of charge.
Group support is another way of managing substance abuse. In Taitolaji meetings, we support adults in controlling their alcohol consumption and aim to reduce the harmful effects of alcohol abuse.
In Ensihuoli [First concern] training, we provide friends and family members with support and practical tools for talking about problematic drinking or drug use, expressing their concerns, and offering help.
Identifying gambling-related harm
More than half a million Finns gamble to a level that qualifies as a risk. We offer information and tools for early detection and intervention in high-risk gambling.
We actively develop methods to prevent the harmful effects of gambling. We train professionals and volunteers to identify risk gamblers and start discussions about gambling more often.
Drug education lessons and gaming education for schools and educational institutions
Drug education lessons is part of the national core curriculum of schools and educational institutions. We provide modern, interactive drug education and gaming education from elementary school all the way to secondary school and offer university tutors and staff training in substance use prevention.
We help schools and educational institutions start dialogue on topical issues. We discuss matters that concern children and young people regarding alcohol, nicotine products, cannabis, and gaming. In addition, we offer tools for creating and maintaining well-functioning groups.
We organize training also in Swedish and English.
Game education for homes and schools
Digital games are part of everyday life in nearly all families with children. We promote a positive gaming culture and provide information about gaming and how to control it.
Our services also cover gaming education lessons for young people, including a PTA meeting. We also train professionals and offer materials to educators.
BUENO activities for young people
We meet children and young people in places where they spend time: schools, educational institutions, and social media. We talk with them about alcohol, drugs, relationships, self-esteem, and other issues related to a young person’s development.
On the buenotalk.fi website, young people can find information and support, such as videos, tests, and FAQs.
Cooperation among NGOs
The substance abuse prevention network includes approximately 50 non-governmental organizations that seek to prevent and decrease the harm caused by substance abuse. The network strengthens its members’ competence, while supporting development work and advocacy.
The aim of the operations is to support the well-being of society and communities. The network influences substance abuse policy-making, and organizes campaigns, education, and seminars. The operations of the prevention network are coordinated by EHYT.
Join us!
Volunteer work plays a significant role in our operations. Volunteers participate in campaigns and events as well as in activities at our meeting places or in activities run by our member organizations.